Rainy Monday


I haven’t written here in a while. My creativity comes in waves and lately it hasn’t come out in the form of writing. However, I am feeling the need to keep a documentation of the next month and coming year, so here I am. It is a rainy Monday. It has rained the past two days, and it is suppose to rain for the rest of the week. The rain matches the feel for this time of year to me, so Im okay with it. Forever a spring and summer baby but for some reason this winter seems a little different.

I romanticize everything, including this moment. Right now I’m soaking up all the rainy vibes while I drink chai tea and eat chia seed pudding.

Gregg and I bought an Rv not long ago and finally came up with a name, Nancy. No one knows yet except my jobs, close friends, and of course family. Gregg is waiting closer to time so that everything flows smoothly. Today marks one month before we have to be completely moved out of the house so the renters can move in. OMG. I have definitely  been romanticizing living in Nancy. It is going to be great to see so many places and have so many adventures, but I have this feeling I am going to quickly realize just how blessed I have been.

Gregg and I are going from a three bedroom house with lots of space for the dogs and cat to a 21 foot Rv. I know that this is going to make me face a lot of my greatest fears including dying in a car wreck. Because I am basically going to living on the road I will have to face this fear close to everyday. So living in Nancy I’m sure will loose its romantic appeal quickly. Im most worried about the dogs tagging along. They are use to having space to run whenever the want. We will have to purposefully set aside time to let the roam freely while not being in danger of running off of a cliff or getting eaten by a wild animal. Its also going to be a serious pain to have to put them on a leash every time we need to take the to the restroom. We usually just open the back door and let them back in a few minutes later. When it is freezing cold at two in the morning, the last thing I am going to want to do is take them walking in a Wal-Mart parking lot to go poop. But, sacrifices must be made!

Gregg and I keep asking each other if we are crazy. We acknowledge that we are and move on.

I know one day we will look back and this will be something we never forget, so we are going for it.

I read recently “If it scares you, then you are moving closer to the truth.” This has been my mantra as of late because I AM SCARED.

But fear is not our truth, so I chose love over fear.

“Be bold and mighty forces will to your aid.”

Be bold my and always follow your heart.